In case you have a shared Internet hosting account, the hosting provider takes care of maintenances, updates and backups, but this isn't the case with virtual and dedicated servers. If you need an individual machine because a shared package doesn't provide enough resources to support your web applications or you just require specific custom software to be running on the server and it's not present in the shared one, you may not have much choice as to what sort of web hosting you can take advantage of. While this won't be a problem in the event that you have practical knowledge, you may experience difficulties in the event that you haven't had a web server of your own. That is the key reason why we offer a Managed Services upgrade that you'll be able to add to your web server package whenever you want. It offers various things including weekly backups, OS updates and installation of third-party apps, so you'll not be required to spend time and efforts on this sort of matters.

Managed Services Package in VPS

When you opt to sign up for one of our virtual private servers packages, you could include the Managed Services upgrade either during the order procedure or at any time afterwards using your billing Control Panel and renew it for as long as you will need it along with the virtual private server monthly payments. Provided that upgrade is active for your plan, we'll keep weekly backups of all the content which you have on the hosting server, so in the event that anything goes wrong after some update, for instance, we can restore the virtual private server they way it was. Our professionals shall also keep close track of the hosting server constantly and if an issue shows up, they will fix it or will restart the web server. The upgrade also includes 30 minutes of custom work, which is enough for the majority of tasks - installing and troubleshooting third-party program you want to use or that doesn't function adequately. Moreover, we'll also keep your Operating System up-to-date to make sure that your machine remains safe and stable always.

Managed Services Package in Dedicated Hosting

The Managed Services pack could be added to any one of the Linux dedicated hosting that we offer and it takes simply a click to do that during the hosting server signup or inside your billing Control Panel at any point in time. You could also determine if you shall get the upgrade only one time or if you will use it continuously given that it features a lot of useful services. We shall keep a backup of fifty Gigabytes of content on an individual machine, so in case anything fails, we can easily restore the data. We'll also ensure that the hosting server will perform at its best because we'll keep track of it, reboot it when necessary, and we shall install all the most recent performance and security updates for the OS which you have chosen. Additionally, our system administrators can do 30 minutes custom work on your web server, which is more than enough for pretty much all tasks. This includes installing or troubleshooting programs from third-party suppliers, custom software settings, and so forth. This way, you'll be able to use a dedicated server even if you do not have previous experience with this sort of hosting.